
All-School Rules Assembly

On Friday, October 6, as part of incorporating Responsive Classroom teaching, Sheridan held an all-school rules assembly where students talked about being respectful, trying your best, having fun, and other values that they care about. 
Prior to the assembly, students had been making lists of rules in their classes. Each class came up with a class contract, or a short list of rules that they promise to abide by. At the assembly, students across different grades met in groups to discuss and vote on which rules from class contracts around the school are the most important to them. Student council will now take these votes into consideration and develop a list of common rules for the whole school to ensure that we are always learning in a safe, welcoming, and joyful space. 
4400 36th Street, NW  |  Washington, DC 20008  |  (202) 362-7900
Founded in 1927, we are a vibrant K-8 progressive school with no more than 230 students, an engaged community, and a fierce commitment to both equity and diversity.