News Detail

Thought Leaders in Progressive Education

Learning by doing. Discussion. Interdisciplinary content. Interactive learning. These are 4 of the principles of progressive education that Sheridan teachers got a chance to dig into on April 19, as part of the Capital Area Progressive Schools (CAPS) professional development day.
We started the day at Sheridan School with a presentation and conversation led by Gina Bland, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, and Meylin Allen, Middle School Math Teacher. Sheridan faculty and staff members spent time connecting and sharing ideas about how they structure their teaching and classrooms. 

Later that day, roughly 300 educators and staff members from progressive schools in the DMV came together to collaborate at Burgundy Farm Country Day school. Faculty and staff joined breakout groups with colleagues from other schools and discussed the challenges and successes of progressive education. Many faculty and staff also formed professional learning communities that will connect regularly over the coming school year to continue the work started on April 19.

This conference marked the restart of the annual CAPS conference, which last met in March 2020. Reigniting the CAPS community is one of the many ways that Sheridan is committed to promoting excellence in education so that we can help students make the world we wish to see
4400 36th Street, NW  |  Washington, DC 20008  |  (202) 362-7900
Founded in 1927, we are a vibrant K-8 progressive school with no more than 230 students, an engaged community, and a fierce commitment to both equity and diversity.